Online shopping has really taken a progressive turn in the recent years. There is an upsurge of online shopping websites across various countries.
In India, we have Flipkart, Paytm, Snapdeal, Zivame, Jabong, Myntra, Pepperfry, and Infibeam. If we look worldwide, we have Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, Newegg, ASOS, BetterWorldBooks, Marks and Spencer, Walmart and Groupon among various others. The list is too long.
Also, there are smaller ones that have their own contribution and significance.
There is no stopping of starting an E-commerce Store website.
Recipe for success. Magento plays an important role in the developing of many such websites.
Like to create any type of website, you need a proper CMS, a website designing and developing software and a lot of dedicated programming languages.
In the same way, Magento is known mostly and predominantly for developing online e-commerce websites.
Each one of them comes with a share of features, specifications, merits, and demerits.
Magento is famous for its strong data security, quick flexibility, and easy customization. All of which comes handy during shopping and checking out sessions about which we will talk later.
Apart from Magento, you have a wide range of e-commerce platforms.
Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, X-Cart, OpenCart, PrestaShop, osCommerce, Drupal Commerce and even WordPress.
We will discuss these Magento alternatives some other day.
But now, Magento is the ultimate e-commerce platform and the most powerful shopping cart solution you should be opting to encourage a long-term and a sustainable business online both locally and internationally.
One should not forget about how Magento commands a top spot for being the first choice for opening an online business website.
In order to highlight the benefits of Magento and explain how these can be beneficial for you while having your online business,
we are here listing some of them down below
1) Open Source
One of the biggest achievement that favors people to opt for Magento to get their business website is in its open source-ness.
With a platform having an Open Source feature, you can get options for evolvement, customization, and integration.
Open Source is mostly free where one can download it to their server and bring their own changes.It is best for small, newly and budget-oriented businesses who don’t want to spend great bucks for website development
2) SEO benefits and features
Today without SEO no business would survive online for there will be no interaction, traction, and traffic to generate business.
Most of the advanced SEO support features is available in Magento.
This helps in bringing your e-commerce website business to a better position in searches of Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Baidu.
By opting for SEO services from here, you can upgrade and boost your website to increase the number of visitors and customers.
3) Highly Customizable
As said before, Magento provides greater options for customizing the website accordingly to one’s own needs.
If you want to have a white interface and minimalist website design, then you can redesign to suit such developments. Same goes for animated, responsive, highly decorative types of website designs.
This is all possible due to the features of CSS. A design explains a lot about your business and a correct design succeeds above all.
4) A great support team from the Magento community and enthusiasts
This feature is rare and only found in one out of the million platform existing.
Magento, due to its open-source nature, has a wide range of developers, coding geeks, and enthusiasts to give inputs and suggestions.
It has advantages & benefits of Magento Community Edition and even for enterprise edition.
You will never ever find yourself or your business website in trouble. Even if such a thing arises, there are many who are ready to guide you out through their community feature.
5) Simple, quick and easy checkout procedure
Since Magento is designed to be most preferred for e-commerce business websites, it has particularly focused on the complete shopping experience.
Most buyers will simply leave away without making any purchase if there is no easability in the checking out process.
Magento is known for its shopping cart feature thus developing from the learning of the drawbacks of cart abandonment and customer dissatisfaction from other platforms and online shopping websites.
Now you must be compelled to have your own online business website built in Magento. To let that happen you need to check one of the best Magento website development company in India, TeamMagento.
TeamMagento has a wonderful team of Magento Certified Developers & Designers who have been designing over 1000+ websites based on Magento. Since 2008, we are changing the landscape of how businesses are done online.
Visit our website now to know how we can change your business forever through a website.